Enhance Your Scenery

Where Passion Meets Endurance

Discover ALPE: Affordable eyewear with unmatched quality

Dive into the ALPE experience, where passion meets endurance. Whether you're conquering climbs or charging through cross-country tracks, enhance every moment. See the world differently, without spending a fortune.



Aspin ist das Modell, das wir für eine bequemere und engere Passform entwickelt haben. Außerdem sitzt es etwas fester am Kopf, was für ein solideres Gefühl sorgt.

Stelvio - Maximum vision and protection


Stelvio wurde entwickelt, um den hohen Ansprüchen und Bedürfnissen von Bikern, Skifahrern und Läufern gerecht zu werden, die eine gut aussehende Brille zu einem vernünftigen Preis wollten.
Was Sie mit Stelvio erhalten, ist eine Brille, die trendig, bequem und von solider Qualität ist.

Don't take our word for it


I use the glasses every day, but of course during every run. They are both stylish, light, good quality and if you don't feel fast for the day, you still look really fast! Great that you can easily change lenses depending on the weather or where I'm running.

Linda Carlsson , Team Språng/Merell - Trail Runner

Gothenburg, SE


The best with Alpe is the Aspin light model, which combines a low weight and good fit. For me, as a trail runner, I often run in mixed lighting conditions. Therefore I usually the Aspin with the Pink lens, which lets in just enough light and raises the contrasts.

Oscar Cleaseon, Salomon Trail Runner

Gnosjoe, SE


The best looking glasses on the market as far as I’m concerned.
I prefer the stelvio since I like the bigger size!
Not only do I look good running, they’re also incredibly easy to clean and also swap lenses on.

My favourite lens is the red one followed by the blue.
When I do coaching I often wear blue gear so I want to match that!

Tomas Kvalpil, Ultra Trail Runner